Tuesday, March 8, 2011

30 Day Blog: Day 6

*NOTE: Today is a double post day, since I am behind by a day!*

Prompt: Write 30 interesting facts about yourself.

1. I don't like sauce/dressings, especially on spaghetti. I usually eat my spaghetti plain, with lots and lots of Parmesan cheese.

Don't make that Judgemental Badger face at me!

2. I have what I like to call "Fairy Feet". I wear a size 5 in women's shoes and a size 3 or 2 1/2 in kids shoes. 

3. I used to want to be an Egyptologist or a Biblical Archeologist when I was younger. (Thanks to Jurassic Park and Indiana Jones).

4. One of my favorite quotes/stories of all time is the story of Howard Carter finding the tomb of King Tutankhamun. As Carter was looking through a hole into the undisturbed tomb, Lord Carnarvon asked "Do you see anything?" and Carter answered "Yes. Wonderful things."

5.  I'm terrified of bugs, in general, but especially flying bugs whose wings move so fast that you can't see them. It's so creepy, it just looks like they're hovering in the air. I hate it.

6. I first learned how to do a British accent by watching and memorizing all of the first Harry Potter movie.

7. My first "musical" I ever had a solo in was a church Christmas show called "Christmas in Egypt". I played an Egyptian "Southern Belle" named Delta. I had a southern accent and everything.

8. One of my dream roles is Lavinia in Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus. So bloody, so tragic, but so good.

9. I got into Doctor Who because of the TV show The Big Bang Theory. Sheldon Cooper has a routine where he wakes up early in the morning, gets a bowl of cereal and watches Doctor Who on BBC America. It intrigued me so I asked for the first season (of the new series) for Christmas one year. Best. Decision. Ever.

10. I have a thing about certain sounds. Example: I really like the sound a heavy door makes when it closes, or the sound of a key turning a lock.

11. I used to want to be a Foley Artist (the people that make all the weird sounds in movies. Like crunching gravel, breaking glass, texture sounds, that kind of thing).

12. I have near perfect pitch. I can hear a note or a series of notes and sing it back correctly very quickly. I can hear when something is off key very easily.

13. I used to want to be an animator for Disney...until I figured out that I can't draw to save my life. Not even with those step-by-step "how to draw [insert Disney character here]" books.

14. In high school and some of college, I used to have this thing where if I was parking my car, I had to listen to the end of a line or phrase of whatever song I was listening to before I turned the car off. I don't do that anymore though.

15. The name that I use a lot on message boards or internet groups - "Lir" - is short for Liruliniel, which is the name of my D&D character. She's an Eladrin Wizard (currently level 6) and her name means "Lark" in Elven.

16. Whenever I write a song, story, or create a character of any type, I always have to start with the name. I can't write anything until I have a good, solid name, a name that means something.

17. I have traveled to Europe three times: once with a huge formal choir called The Midwest American Honor Choir, and two different times with the FAME All-Stars show choir.

18. While in Europe I traveled to 7 different countries: England, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, (8 if you include Vatican City).

19. I played Flute in Elementary school and one year of Middle School. In 5th grade I was the only Flute in the band and I got to play the solo in "My Heart Will Go On" at our Christmas concert. It was a pretty big deal (at least to me).

20. My high school was the very first high school in Nebraska to acquire the rights to perform the Broadway version of Beauty and the Beast. I was a junior at the time and I was cast as Belle. To this day playing that role is one of the highlights of my life. We had professional costumes, an Illusionist who came in to work the transformation and other small elements of the show and an amazing cast. That show will always hold a very special place in my heart. 

21. I persuaded my dad by buy me a PS3 purely so I could finally play Dragon Age. I now have both a PS2 (mainly for Kingdom Hearts) and a PS3 in my room (for which I have bought more games since I got it).

22. I worked at Coldstone Creamery my first summer after starting college. It was a good balance because while I did get a free ice cream or shake at the end of each shift, I worked it off by running around, carrying fresh vats of ice cream, pulling at the frozen stuff with my scoops (which killed my arms) and assembling cakes. Plus all my work clothes smelled like ice cream. Mmm.

23. My name was not originally Lindsay. When I was born my biological mother named me Carmen (which I actually like quite a bit). When I was adopted my mom wanted to name me Lindsay, but my Dad wanted to call me Jessica. In the end my mom won.

23. My middle name is Leigh, after Vivian Leigh (I believe my aunt also has the middle name of Leigh).

24. I've died onstage a total of 6 times now. Poisoned by my mother when I played a little girl in a competitive one act, strangled as Renfield in a student show, stabbed in the back as Lady Macduff in high school, died of Scarlet Fever complications as Beth March in Little Women, strangled/hung as Cordelia in King Lear, and stabbed in the belly by Malcolm as a squire girl in Macbeth.

25. I own and know how to use a Bullwhip.

26. There are three types of dogs I want to own one day: A Pembroke Welsh Cogi, a Siberian Husky, and a Golden Retriever.

27. If I ever have a son, he will be named either Peter or Oliver.

28. I love Fairy Tales (especially the proper ones with the gory endings meant to frighten children). My favorite Fairy Tale is called East of the Sun, West of the Moon. It's about a Prince who was cursed and must live as a Polar Bear by day and a Prince by night. It's very similar to Beauty and the Beast or the story of Cupid and Psyche.

29. If I had to choose another profession besides acting, I would probably either be a Shakespeare scholar or a book editor.

30. There is a tie for my favorite Shakespeare villain between Iago and Aaron the Moor. They're both so evil and so good at hiding it. They also both have amazing speeches/quotes throughout their respective plays. I played Iago for a scene once and I would kill to get to play him again.

I can be evil if I want to be

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