Saturday, March 5, 2011

30 Day Blog: Day 4

Prompt: Your views on Religion

This is always kind of a touchy subject, so let me just begin by saying that this is just my beliefs, it doesn't mean that I don't like you if you believe differently or anything, it's just my own opinions.

I am a Christian. I believe in God and I believe that Jesus came to Earth to save us from our sins and died in our place. Now, I will admit that I am far from perfect, I didn't go to Church for most of my college years and I'm still looking for a Church where I feel 100% like I belong. But God is a big part of my life and my beliefs make up a lot of who I am. 
For example: I plan on staying pure until marriage. I know that in the world today, purity is something that a lot of people scoff at or satirize into being some kind of cult-ish practice. But for me it's something that I am very firm about. When I get married I want that white dress to mean something. I want my husband and my husband alone to have my whole self, body and soul. I say this, not to make it seem like I'm that crazy girl from Teeth:

But because it's an aspect of my belief that's very important to me, and one that has been questioned more than once.

I am adopted. My parents brought me home from an orphanage in Guatemala when I was a year old. I consider this huge part of my life to be proof that miracles exist and that God truly has a plan for our lives. I won't go into the entire story because it would take a long time to tell it properly, but every time I think about how easily my life could have been different it scares me a little. I could have died in that hospital, I could still be living in the orphanage or I could be living with a family very different than the one that I was given. Just the fact that my parents saw my picture and chose me out of every other child they could have had stuns me every time I think about it.

One of my favorite stories is one that my mom told me about the day they came to get me at the Orphanage. My mother is a very fair skinned woman, with blue eyes and very curly reddish brown hair. Before she and my dad arrived at the Orphanage, my mother was praying that she would know which child I when she saw me, without anyone telling her. My parents walk into a courtyard where all the kids were playing and my mother looked around at all of the children running by her. Something important to note: Guatemalans don't have curly hair. Our hair is very very straight and dark, not curly at all. But my mom told me that the first glimpse she had of me was of the back of my head. The back of my hair was curly. My mom started crying and said that was when she knew that I was truly hers.

(I'm seriously tearing up as I type this).

This isn't to say that I'm against other religions. Not at all. I actually enjoy learning more about different beliefs than my own. In some ways religions are all very similar. What you believe is what you believe and I'm not going to treat you badly simply because your views are different than my own. It may mean that we disagree about certain things or ideas, but it doesn't mean that I look down on other religions.

I have been blessed in so many ways throughout my life and I am so grateful for what I've been given. I am continually trying to grow in my faith and as a person and if I can touch someone's life in a positive way by the way I live mine, than that's wonderful. 

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