Monday, March 21, 2011

30 Day Blog: Day 18

Promp: Your beliefs

I believe...

 In love. (Twoo Wuv!)

In God.

Everything happens for a reason.

The power of Theatre.

I am truly blessed by the family and life I've been given.

My brother and I are more alike than he will admit.

Short is beautiful.

Kindness and respect will take you farther than arrogance and bossiness.

Vampires don't sparkle.

This woman is a genius.

Show Choir was one of the best things that ever happened to me. 

Music is essential to life.

10 may have surpassed 9 as my favorite Doctor.

Shakespeare wrote all of his plays himself.

Vanilla is the best ice cream.

Plain Vanilla

In miracles.

That puppies are some of the most adorable creatures ever!

The great plays and literature of the past are still relevant today.

School was fun.

Everyone is capable of greatness.

Joss Whedon and Stephen Moffat should create a new project together. I would explode with happiness. 

In watching movies, ordering pizza, and reading a good book on Friday nights instead of going out.

Katara should have ended up with Zuko.

How can you say no to this?

Proper grammar/spelling is extremely important.

I am becoming a mixture of Liz Lemon and Leslie Knope.

I can have it all!

In staying pure until marriage.

Frank Sinatra is awesome.

Nerds are cool. 


That being a quiet person isn't a negative thing.

Mary Bennet should get more love.

Poor Mary

In Angels.

In wonderful friends.

That life is an adventure.

I am blessed.

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