Friday, March 25, 2011

30 Day Blog: Day 22

Prompt: How have you changed in the past 2 years?

Since 2009...

2009 Me

I like to think that I have changed quite a lot since spring of my junior year/senior semester of college, mostly for the better.
To make this post easier (and hopefully faster) to write, I shall make a list.

1. I've realized that there IS a world outside of school...and it's kind of scary.
2. I've changed my focus from simply Theatre to theatre, film, tv, voice overs and singing.
3. I'm living in LA, not Chicago, like I had been planning in 2009
4. Rediscovered how important my beliefs are and have remained true to them.
5. I like to think that I've become a little more outgoing than I was college. Yes, I'm still quiet by nature, but I feel like it's gotten a little easier for me to talk to people and make connections.
6. Regained a lot of my confidence in my singing ability. I have to admit that while at school I repeatedly felt like I was not a good singer.
7. I'm slowly learning and accepting that I can't plan everything out in advance and that sometimes I have to allow opportunities to take me in new directions I never expected.
8. I've become even more thankful than before for my family and friends.
9. I've become a little more adventurous, a little more willing to try new things, even if it's just once.
10. Become incredibly thankful that I have a good head on my shoulders, common sense, and respect for others.
11. Realized how much I want my brother to find something he loves and to go after it. Being out in the real world has shown me just how much I want him to be happy and find something that he loves doing.
12. I've become more money-conscious than I was.
13. Learned what it really means to be a professional audition-er and I have learned that there will always be other auditions, so it's not the end of the world if I feel like an audition went badly.
14. Learned to cook a few more things and have stopped eating fast food as much as I did.
15. Seeing all the opportunities there are to act and realizing even more that I can't imagine doing anything else.


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