Sunday, May 29, 2011

Happenings and Announcements

Hello! I realize that I've failed epically in updating this blog recently, but I've been busy (always a good thing).

First off: my single "Worth The Wait" is now available for purchase on iTunes, Amazon mp3, Rhapsody,  CDBaby and more!

Click here to listen to a sample and purchase!

I recently finished shooting on an independent feature film called Orenthal: The Musical. Here's the synopsis as explained on the film's Kickstarter page by writer/director Jeff Rosenberg:

 "It is a feature-length narrative comedy about Eugene Olivier and his suicidal quest to stage the next great American musical. After months of struggle, he finally finds inspiration in the form of the OJ Simpson trial."

And yes, there will be footage from the musical in the film. I had the wonderful privilege of being one of the Orenthal company members and I had an absolute blast! It's going to be a great film with a ton of wonderful people involved. (If you click on the above Kickstarter link, you'll also be able to hear a few of the songs that will appear in the film).

In other news, I completed my Classical Scenes class over at A Noise Within, performing in the end-of-class/end-of-term showcase that served as a kind of "final" for all the interns at the theatre. (I am not an intern, but since I took the class, I got to perform too!) It went really well! Everyone's performances were wonderful, I now have some experience with George Bernard Shaw's work and I got to break out the rehearsal skirt and character shoes again. Not to mention working with a great scene partner and getting to experience classical theatre again.

Now for an announcement!

I will be performing at the Hollywood Fringe Festival in June with Warrior Poet Theatre Company (the same company I worked with in Macbeth last fall) in an original one-act called N'afia. The show was written by Anton Ray, a member and co-founder of Warrior Poet, and will be directed by Michael McIntyre. The synopsis for the show, as found on the Hollywood Fringe website:

"Set in Albasrah during the 2003 American invasion, two Iraqi civilian refugees seek shelter in an abandoned home that becomes a causality collection point for the US Army. Innocence and misunderstanding are no protection from the harshness of war."

For more information, including location, performance dates/times and ticket information check out the Hollywood Fringe webpage for N'afia.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

FAIL (+ some updates)

Remember how I wrote a number of posts in quick succession last time I was on here? Yeah, that didn't last.

I've been busy (which is good!) so I haven't been able to post on this blog lately, BUT I am going to try my best to be quicker with updates.

A few things I've been doing since I wrote last:

  • Filmed the music video for my single "Worth the Wait". It should be online in the next week or so. 
  • Filmed a student short called "Perfidy" (online in a few weeks)
  • Recorded a VO for a female ninja warrior, named Silhouette, in the online game Heroes of Newerth (she is pretty badass). 
  • Started taking a classical scene study class and am working on a scene from George Bernard Shaw's Heartbreak House.

And most recently, I decided (a little on the spur of the moment) to buy plane tickets home for this weekend (which just happens to be Mother's day) and completely surprised my parents this afternoon when I showed up in NE.

Airport carpet
A clue!

I made it!

I'm happy that I get to take a bit of a break and be home for a little while. I've missed the midwest and I'm very glad to get to see my family for a few days.


Cosplay update!

I've started my hunt for Soli Areni Cosplay pieces. Her outfit is fairly simple:

Found HERE

Most of the elements I think I can find (jeans, the shirt, the boots) so the only thing it looks like I may have to sew myself is the coat (it's too frakking cool to not have it just right).

I started looking for something to use as the beige-ish shirt she wears under the coat. I found this:

It's actually much longer than it looks here

While I really liked the shirt (it was extremely comfy) it was a little too white and the buttons down the front were a little too obvious for me (I'm trying to find a non-button down shirt with a collar, if I can). I also couldn't justify buying the shirt and wearing it even if I didn't use it for the costume (when it was untucked it was WAY too long for me).

LOVE the buttons in the back though.
Eh, I might still go back and buy it. It was SO COMFY.

So the search continues!

Thus ends the updates.