Thursday, March 17, 2011

30 Day Blog: Day 15

Prompt: Your favorite Tumblrs.

Get ready for some links...

I'm going to tweak this prompt just a little and expand it to my favorite blogs, just because I don't think I follow more than two Tumblrs, and those are both people I know from school.

*Shameless plug: My Tumblr.*

I do have a few blogs (or blog-like pages) that I visit often.

 The first is a blog by an artist named Makani. She often posts random things about video games she liked or movies that she saw recently, all written in her own funny way. She is also an artist, drawing mostly animated characters, very similar to Disney animation. She's done a bunch of drawings that are Harry Potter related, where her favorite characters to draw (and my favorite to see) are the Malfoy family.

On her Harry Potter art site, she started a project where she planned to draw illustrations for each chapter of Half-Blood Prince before book 7 came out. She didn't finish, but it is very entertaining (her Snape is probably the best I've seen anywhere). You can also see a lot of Malfoy pictures there as well (Lucius is hilarious).

*NERD NOTE! I was skimming through her more recent blog posts, since I haven't been on her page for a while, and apparently this girl is working on Portal 2. WHAAA?! So awesome. I'm a little bit jealous.*

Another blog-type-thing that I love is written by a girl called Cleolinda. She's probably most well known for writing Movies in 15 Minutes (it's exactly what it sounds like. And it's hilarious). She even has a book out for Movies in 15 Minutes. My favorite one is Phantom of the Opera in 15 Minutes. I'm pretty sure the first time I read it I laughed for a good 20 minutes.

Another blog-thingy that I love is Broadway Abridged. This, too, is exactly what it sounds like. This guy takes shows that are either running on Broadway currently or are well known and writes abridged scripts of them. So funny. My favorite is probably Wicked Abridged, though I did like Little Women: The Musical Abridged quite a lot too.

A final blog that I just recently started reading and enjoying is called Shakespeare Geek. This guy writes about different plays, characters or ideas in Shakespeare's works that he likes or finds interesting and also finds ways of relating things that are popular today back to Shakespeare. I love it.

So pretty much I enjoy blogs that involve weird, nerdy humor, funny drawings of otherwise serious characters, pointing out the ridiculousness/unintentional humor in movies/musicals by shortening them and Shakespeare.

That's how we roll in the shire.

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