Sunday, March 13, 2011

30 Day Blog: Day 10

**This will be a 3 post day, since I got very busy this week and haven't posted in the last few days**

Prompt: Discuss your first love and first kiss.

Wuv, Twoo Wuv...

First of all let me say, with great certainty, that I have never been in love. I've been in "like" before, but that's about as close as I've come.

When I was a junior in high school, I started developing a crush on my best guy friend. For years we'd been friends, talking about anything and everything and hanging out constantly. A lot of people thought that we were dating. Of course, true to the drama that happens in high school, the day I decided to come right out and tell him I liked him, he revealed that he had asked out one of my other friends and that she'd said yes. My poor little heart was devastated. To make matters worse, on a bus ride home from a theatre competition, he told me that he would have liked to ask me out, before he starting dating my friend. Poor high school me.

Later on everything kind of worked itself out. I realized as time went on that he wasn't the one for me and eventually he and my friend stopped seeing each other. A few years later we met up over Fall Break and I told him that I had liked him in high school. We laughed about it and talked about old times.

I love talking about "old times"!

This was not love, certainly, but it's clearly a state of "like" that high school me hadn't experienced until that year.

My first kiss was very cute and, I must say, slightly awkward since I don't think either of us knew what we were doing.

This was also during my junior year of high school. A guy who had been in Spanish class with me the year before asked me out one day in the hallway. I told him yes and we started dating (which, in my hometown, consisted of driving around in his truck, going to the occasional movie or going out to eat). It was near the end of the school year and I was planning on going to Europe with a performance choir over the summer. A few weeks before school let out, after one of our driving around town adventures, he got out of his truck to walk me to the door (like always). Before we started up the driveway, however, he stopped me and told me had something to ask me. He pulled out a piece of paper and started reading a poem he had written that ended by asking me for a kiss. It was really sweet (I've never had anyone write me a poem before). We kissed at the end of my driveway, maybe a little awkwardly, but high school is all about awkward.

I still have that poem, by the way, as kind of a keepsake of that moment in my life.

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