Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I have mail. From you.

I watched this movie with the roommate tonight for the first time in YEARS. I love this movie. Even now, when we are well past the "strange new world" stage of computers and technology and can laugh at the "old" PC's from the 90's, it still gets me every time.

I love the idea that writing is a way that we can reveal our true selves, even if we may act differently when we meet someone face to face. The idea of writing to someone and not trying to put on a show or be a certain way, but simply allowing ourselves to be genuine.

Plus, Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan have such wonderful chemistry and real-ness to their characters, especially in this movie. Ugh, I love it.

I realize, as I struggle for far too long to trying to figure out just the right thing to type in this paragraph, that I've ignored by own advice. I've stopped being genuine and have now begun trying to be the kind of person who writes profound and interesting things on subjects like movies.

I don't want to be that kind of person. I just need to be myself. And, as myself, I can't fully explain in words just what it is about this movie that touches me enough for me to devote an entire blog post about it. Maybe it's the charm of being one of those movies from the 90's that will always be considered a "classic" (in its own way). Maybe it's all of the wonderful little monologues and quotes that end up being so true to my every day life. Maybe it's the fact that Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan make me believe, as they do in all of their romantic comedies, that true love is not a myth, and that it is out there, even if it comes in the form of an unopened email.

Whatever the reason, this is a movie that I will always, always love and will gladly watch over and over again.

"I wanted it to be you"

So, in the spirit of the movie, I send this message out into the void to share with all of you.

Good night, dear void.

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