Thursday, April 7, 2011

Something I Really Wish I Were Good At...

Drawing. More specifically people (as in animation/Disney/Comic style).

Ever since I was little and first became addicted to Disney movies I have been fascinated by/wanted to be able to:

- Voice an animated character
- Animate said characters.

The one aspect of that fascination, VO, I'm starting to get more of a handle on and am improving every day...the other...well, not so much.

I can't draw to save my life. Okay, I guess I can sketch, a little, but only things that are sitting right in front of me. If I try to draw something from my mind it always turns out kind of...wonky and gross. It always looks SO GOOD in my head but then once it's down on paper it looks like a weird mess.

This is especially true when I attempt to draw people. I remember once I tried to draw my bother and made him sit in front of me for far too long while I sketched him. The picture ended up looking like a deformed Elvis with a big head and strange facial features. It didn't go great.

I have a few friends of mine who are extremely gifted with the ability to draw. My friend Allie is always sketching and has files full of drawings she's made of various characters/friends/stories. She's awesome.

One of Allie's drawings of me from high school, for a short story written for our friend Heather. (I want this dress!)

My friend John is also an artist, drawing mostly cartoon/anime-ish characters. He used to draw these little cards for me in high school, usually featuring me as a cartoon in funny situations. I think I still have those somewhere...

My desire to draw has only increased since I've discovered The Meek webcomic by Der-Shing Helmer. I love the style of the characters and the way the story is told so effectively through the art. It makes me desperately wish that I were as talented artistically.


I'm going to set myself a challenge/goal: To start sketching again and really work on developing my drawing/animation skills. (Because I want to draw awesome comics too, gosh darn it!)

I might upload some of the progress on this blog (depending how embarrassingly bad they are), so keep a lookout!

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