Thursday, March 4, 2010


So I finally gave in and got a proper blog. A few friends of mine have one and I thought it would be a good place to chronicle my journey from a college graduate into the unknown future. 
I'll be posting with things like upcoming shows I'm involved with, new jobs, moving (which will happen in June!) and anything interesting in my life. I'll try to keep things entertaining, maybe I'll post a few movie reviews as well (I will certainly be posting thoughts about the new season of Doctor Who once it starts up in April). 
This is my life. As crazy and unknown as it may seem, it's an adventure, and I'm ready for the ride. 

1 comment:

  1. i just wanted to stop by and say hello to a sister aquarian. i did not know where else to put this.
    wishing you all the good fortune and beauty of life.
    asiv nv wa do hi ya do
    walk in peace
