Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I've given my blog a whole new look! I realize that I haven't really been writing anything on here, so I've decided to change that. My plan right now is to post once a week, probably Sundays, and offer advice/opinions/observations from what's been going on during the week. I will also probably be linking to my Tumblr account (and vice versa) whenever I have multiple pictures that will help emphasize what I write about on this blog.
**shameless plug: Feel free to subscribe to my Tumblr page!
Today is kind of a bonus, since I'm going to explain the new theme a little.
I've named this blog project "The Windmill Chronicles", drawing on the famous image of Don Quixote fighting against a windmill, believing it to be a giant. Now, some people can draw the conclusion that all this image shows is a crazy old man fighting something that he can never vanquish, but I take a different view.It's not the fact that Don Quixote is fighting an impossible battle, but the fact that he believes, with his heart and soul, that he is fighting a giant, and that he will win.
Don Quixote is a dreamer, an optimist, he looks for romance, beauty, nobleness and adventure everywhere he goes, no matter what the rest of the world says, and eventually the rest of the world begins to believe with him.The image of the Windmill symbolizes, for me, the power of dreams and imagination, of believing that there is beauty and adventure everywhere you look, just waiting for you to come and find it.
I am proud to be a dreamer, optimist, and adventurer in this crazy life, and if I can touch a few people with what I write here, well, that's a bonus.

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