Thursday, March 4, 2010


Life after college isn't so much exhilarating as it is...boring. At least for the moment. I haven't made the move to a big city yet (that happens in June after my roommate graduates) and finding a day job here hasn't been successful. I'm in a state of "Intermission", waiting for something new to happen, and having to make decisions that will effect the next few years of my life (which is stressing me out way too much lately).
Twelfth Night at The Reduxion Theatre just ended, and rehearsals for King Lear don't really fill up my schedule until the middle of March. So a lot of my free time is spent just...sitting, checking up on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, basically anything the internet has to offer. It's not necessarily a bad thing, I just feel so lazy and "blah" by suddenly having nothing to do.
I have decided, however, to try to make the best of the free time I have and to get in shape. I'm going to make up a schedule to work out every morning, either running outside on the deck, swimming in the lap pool, or using the exercise room. I also plan to work on Capoeira (a type of Brazilian dance-fighting), quarterstaff, and sword work when I can, to keep up with my stage combat training.
I'm also going to try to eat better (we'll see how well that works out, seeing as how I greatly dislike going grocery shopping...) and try to get into good shape by the time we move in June.
My life may be in an "Intermission" phase currently, but I'm going to try to prepare myself as best I can for the moment when the waiting ends and a new chapter of my life begins.

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